With increasing global competition, packaging machine manufacturers want to produce the highest quality products at the lowest cost and use supplies from around the world. But when doing so, these organizations spend a lot of time and effort to collect and respond to quality-related data that ultimately results in different spreadsheets, physical filing cabinets or isolated databases or file servers that are scattered across the organization.
When this happens, data is scattered and confusing, making it impossible to aggregate the information and analyze what is happening - real-time or over time. As a result, it becomes difficult to achieve the ultimate goal, and quality begins to be seen as a constant problem rather than a quick fix.
When production turns their thinking about quality from "how do I solve this problem" into "how can I take advantage of this advantage" when they are ahead of the competition. It no longer consider what happened yesterday to respond, but to consider tomorrow or next year can take the initiative to do anything. Use quality data to connect to the enterprise and achieve end-to-end visibility, enabling organizations to achieve exponential enhancements in their product quality and business cost structure. With the right motivation, quality management platform and cloud technology, any manufacturer of any capital has the opportunity to actively up, quickly affect its bottom line and build a lasting competitive advantage.