
Checking Loss-in-Weight Feeder Line Accuracy Without Interrupting Production

A loss-in-weight feeder is installed on the scale with feeder feeder. The feed rate is controlled by the weight feedback signal of the microprocessor controller, which compares the feed speed setting point with the weight loss in the short precise time interval to control the feed speed of the set point.

The packaging machine manufacturers selects the most reliable feeder type, agitation/conditioning method, and capacity of equipment to meter the ingredient at the required feed rate. The manufacturers typically use a typical feed rate accuracy setting, and usually the user can check the feed rate accuracy.

The uninterrupted production online feed speed accuracy test has now begun to supply and has proven to be a valuable tool for processors. In order to maximize the benefits of the tool, recommend the use of 2 sigma before test from the test data is very useful in the combination weigher, to determine for any feeder causes of inaccuracies.

